ModelingTech Real-Time Simulator is an HIL simulation platform which is reliable,accuracy and easy to use.
Chint Power-Application of Solar & Power Storage Inverter based on StarSim HIL
ModelingTech supplies a solution that combines CPU&FPGA large&small step simulation based on MT 6040 Real-Time simulator.
HopeWind - Wind Power Generation Converter Testing
With its FPGA-based small step size simulation technology, StarSim can simulate the entire electric drive system with 1 microsecond step size.
NARI Group- Electric Vehicle Driving System HIL Testing
Customers uses ModelingTech's RCP controller to control the doubly-fed wind power generation system. It supports creating, downloading and running control algorithm directly without further programing. The RCP controller is equipped with both CPU and FPGA, the processing capabilities of CPU and FPGA make this RCP controller suitable for many applications. What’s more, users can observe waveforms and modify parameters conveniently on the host computer, which helps users shorten the controller development cycle, making R&D, testing, research and teaching more efficient.
China Electric Power Research Institute - Double-fed Wind Power Generation RCP System
The power hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform helps customers complete the power quality analysis of the orderly charging experiment. In the future, it can also expand the application research in multiple directions such as new energy microgrid operation, management and optimization control.
State Grid - Electrical Vehicle Charger PHIL Testing
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