Renewable energy is the inevitable trend of the smart grid construction and technology development. Many colleges and research institutes build the small power experiment platform to research the renewable energy systems. However, when the DSP controller is used as the controller, the code is difficult to program, read and modify. In order to accelerate the progress and improve the efficiency of scientific research, a prototype controller which is more open and more convenient to debug is required.
Customers uses ModelingTech's RCP controller to control the doubly-fed wind power generation system. It supports creating, downloading and running control algorithm directly without further programing. The RCP controller is equipped with both CPU and FPGA, the processing capabilities of CPU and FPGA make this RCP controller suitable for many applications.Users can observe waveforms and modify control parameters on-the-fly, which helps users shorten the controller development cycle, making R&D, testing, research and teaching more efficient.
The following figures show the system diagram, the user-interface and the photo of doubly-fed wind power RCP system.
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