Energy Router

In recent years, the increasing concern with the global energy shortages and environment problems has spurred world-wide active research on the next-generation electric powersystem, which is known as the smart-grid that features re-newable energy resources and intelligent energy management. In order to achieve this target,  we need energy router, which will serve as a critical componentin the smart grid, to manage the transmission and distribution of electricity. As the smart grid is an emerging research field that still stays in the primitive research phase, now many energy router topologies are based on power electronic transformer. One typical topo is shown as below:

As the energy router topo is immature and very complex, it's not easy to build up multilevel physical prototype platform. However, a lot of researchers chooes Hardware in the Loop(HIL) simulator instead of offline simulation software to verfiy their control stragety and get experiment data. Compared to offline simulation, HIL platform can reeach real time operation and have physical IOs that can make signals interaction with controller, so HIL is a better way to help users with the research and experiment.

StarSim Solution

ModelingTech leverages StarSim real-time simulation technology and high-performance Xilinx FPGA hardware  to provide users a high-speed, accurate, stable and esay-to-use simulation paltform. The following picture shows how researchers can use HIL platform to finish energy router model running test and conrol algorithm verification.



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